
The advent of new technologies and especially the internet have changed the way we work, we make business and even the way we socialize. Mediation as an alternative dispute resolution institution could not stay behind in this revolutionary age. Technology and mediation came together to create a new type of mediation, e-mediation which can combine the benefits that both mediation and the new technologies have to offer.

How you may benefit from e-mediation and in which cases it is recommended instead of the “traditional” mediation?

A few words about e-mediation:

E-mediation is mediation that takes place with the use of electronic means. The main difference is in the way mediation is conducted. In mediation, all the participated parties, i.e. the mediator, the parties, the lawyers that may participate in the procedure are at the same physical space during the whole mediation procedure. On the contrary, in e-mediation no physical presence is required. This means that all the participated parties may be in different places and this is made possible with the use of technology. There is a virtual mediation room (EMR) that is created for the purposes of e-mediation. In this “room” is where the whole e-mediation procedure takes place!

What are the benefits of e-mediation:

  • E-mediation offers a fast resolution of your dispute. You can avoid unnecessary travel that may cost you in time and money. E-mediation starts with no delays as there is no need for all the involved parties to gather in a one single place. Coordination and set up of meetings is a fast and flexible procedure as all meetings take place online.
  • No travel. In e-mediation all the involved parties (mediator, parties, lawyers etc.) participate from whenever they are or choose to be (home, office etc.). There are no space constraints. This gives the procedure more flexibility.
  • Avoiding the tension. If mediation was an option for you but you had second thoughts about getting to meet with the other party face to face, then e-mediation is the best fit for you. E-mediation gives you the advantage of meeting with the other side in the e-mediation room (EMR), a virtual mediation room, while keeping physical distances to the other side. This may also prove helpful in cases where there is still tension between the parties that may hinder the mediation procedure and prevent a successful outcome.
  • Comfort zone. In e-mediation you get to choose the place and the space you feel most comfortable with for the mediation procedure. Technology offers this opportunity. If you familiarize with e-mediation and the use of technology in the procedure, then you can benefit the most from what e-mediation has to offer you.

The benefits of e-mediation are really numerous.

If you want to learn more about e-mediation and have a firsthand experience, then you should contact startADR® in order to get all the necessary information you need and resolve your dispute fast and effectively!