
In the healthcare industry conflicts are unfortunately very common. However, when the disputes involve human life and health issues, then each dispute requires subtle handling. It requires patience, clarity of mind and deep consideration of the interests of all the involved parties.

Mediation is the most appropriate procedure that can combine all the above. Especially when interests and needs have to be explored and not just the parties’ positions. Mediation provides for a fast and effective resolution of the dispute in an amicable way and with respect to privacy and sensitive medical data.


How can you benefit from mediation in practice?

For doctors:

  • Medical disputes can be quickly resolved without unnecessary Court delays that usually tend to increase the whole cost. By opting for mediation, you may also avoid the psychological cost as well, having for example to defend yourself before Court. In most cases litigation may take years and the outcome may be uncertain. The sooner you reach an agreement the sooner you will leave the past behind. What greater for a benefit than moving on and focusing again on your practice?
  • Personal relationships. Mediation may help you resolve your disputes and also protect your personal relationships. Particularly, the doctor – patient relationship is a unique one which is structured on the patient’s trust on his/her doctor. By mediating your disputes, you choose to preserve and safeguard this relationship.
  • Confidentiality. It is not rare for a medical dispute to attract unnecessary publicity. Sensitive personal date then come out in the open and privacy is disrupted. Mediation provides you the opportunity to maintain your privacy and resolve at the same time your dispute under strict confidentiality. Litigation will not offer you this advantage in any case.


For patients:

  • When a dispute has emerged, then the first thing you want is to resolve your dispute as soon as possible and move one with your life. You desire no delays or wasting time, money and energy on an unpleasant situation. Mediation gives you the opportunity to achieve that.
  • Mediation is a low-cost procedure, especially compared with litigation where there is always the possibility to have your case dismissed. In the case you opt for litigation the cost increases in the best- case scenario as the enforcement of a judgement entails more cost. On the contrary with mediation all these are avoided.
  • The whole mediation procedure is vested with confidentiality. This means you can safeguard 100% your privacy and keep confidential all your personal data along with the sensitive personal data such as your health records. Contrary to litigation where everything goes under the microscope, with mediation you are fully protected.
  • Conflicts and disputes are never pleasant. Especially if their next stage is recourse to Courts where conflicts tend to escalate. On the other hand, mediation is an amicable and a less stressful way to resolve your disputes.

If you want to learn more about medical mediation and have a firsthand experience, then you should contact startADR® in order to get all the necessary information you need and resolve your dispute fast and effectively!